World Dog Show Amsterdam 2002 /1.
Chinese Crested dog - Dogs 1. (puppy, junior and intermediate class)

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Vítejte na přehlídce psů ze světové výstavy v Amsterdamu. Kompletní výsledky z výstavy, článek a další obrázky JSOU ZDE., fotogalerie č.1 - 5 najdete v levém sloupečku.
Excellent 1, World junior winner, res. CACIB - junior class Excellent 3 - junior class Very good - junior class Very good - junior class Good - junior class
Spezial Agent v. Shinbashi Evian Sub Divo Jason Powder od Chlpíků  Sain Amour du Sourire sous L´Ondée Brutus the Gigant v. Hellmundin
Excellent 1, World junior winner, res. CACIB - junior class Excellent - junior class Excellent 3 - junior class Excellent 2 - junior class Very good - intermediate class
Spezial Agent v. Shinbashi Only a White Boy Fantasy Island Evian Sub Divo Sasquehanna Gondolier Pegasus-Carino v. Martin´s Tal
Excellent 2 - junior class Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, World winner 2002, BOB Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, World winner 2002, BOB Excellent 4 - junior class Excellent - junior class
Sasquehanna Gondolier Sampan Basta - BOB Sampan Basta Sasquehana Angor Dandy Pupo-Haichi
Excellent 2 - intermediate class Excellent 2 - intermediate class Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, World winner 2002, BOB Excellent 3 - intermediate class Excellent 4 - intermediate class
Harrison Ford
Harrison Ford
Sampan Basta Henk Modrý květ Blandora Thunderball
Excellent 4 - intermediate class Excellent - intermediate class Very good - intermediate class Very good - intermediate class  Excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, World winner 2002, BOB - intermediate class
Blandora Thunderball Sasquehana Dardir Newbourne
Sir Percival Luck
Belle of Beenfeldt´s Apollon  Sampan Basta
1 puppy  dog - puppy class 2 - puppy class 4 - puppy class 3 - puppy class Excellent - champion class
You´re My Man
of Honeycroft
Vellar Pljus Konfael Tuan Di Gabriellas Harley D. Sub Divo  Blandora
Best of the Best